Friday, August 24, 2012

You are what you eat

So if you are what you eat, then aren't you also all the pills that you ingest, and pesticides that are absorbed in the food you eat and who knows what in your water these days, wouldn't that play a part in how you feel too? 

 Hippocrates was often regarded as the father of western medicine, and he believed, back before things got tainted with chemicals that don't belong, that disease wasn't caused by some god, or voodoo, but was rather the product of environmental factors such as diet, and living habits. He said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He really believed that you could cure things with nutrition, imagine that.

This is something that is so overlooked in the health industry today. It really seems like doctors are replacing their nutrition information with drug information, after all, there is a drug for practically everything now.  Don't get me wrong, I think that pills, medication, has its proper place in this mortal world. However medicine still has to follow the laws of the universe, and one of those is, you don't get something for nothing, or as some others put it, There is no such thing as a free lunch. Medicines like pain killers help make the pain you are having more bearable, but at what cost? Your liver and stomach are probably taking a beating while you're momentarily pain free. Who knows what that long term effect will be? Well, doctors, actually. Yet despite this, they continue to make those kinds of prescriptions that may end up being more harmful on your body.  Why, well Chris Rock said it best when he said that they will never make a cure for anything ever again, there is no money in the Cure, only in the medicines that will just keep you alive enough that you can live with it, and will continue to buy them for the rest of your life. Meanwhile, nobody is keeping tabs on what the long term affect of these drugs are.

In 1928 Dr. Max Gerson found the cure for cancer. Was it a pill or crazy radioactive treatment? No, it was simply a dietary treatment loaded with fresh juices and lots of fresh garden foods.  Of course, this cure was debunked by the medical professionals because they were threatened by such a simple cure. You mean that people could actually heal themselves with food they can grow in their backyard? We can't have that! People won't need as many doctors.  

Don't even get me started on GMO crops... honestly, I think these meds, crops, and other things are part of a grand design from some rich fat cats that want to seriously reduce the population of earth, while getting rich off of the very victims they're trying to wipe out! OK that may have been too much too soon, but everything that I look at when it comes to health, and the world is funneling me to this conclusion.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Sim's Philosophy

I'll begin by asking a question. Have you ever played the computer game 'The Sim's'? If you know somebody who is hooked on playing video games, I have a way to cure them. I'm not condoning to go out and buy the video game. Borrow it from a friend. Somebody you know has to have it. And trust me, once they try my method, they will be wanting to get rid of it anyway. Play the game sometime if you haven't yourself, it's really interesting. Only you have to follow my rules when doing this. There is only one real rule and the rest is purely up to you. That rule is: When naming your Sim Character, type in your own name, and make the Sum Character look as similar to you as possible and in clothes that you might actually wear. Then play the game as if you are really in it. That's it! My sure fire cure! You wanna know the reason it works? If you play it for a while, you will start to develop your Sim Character [hereto after, shall be called Your Sim] who will get very good at skills that will make them a better sim. Your Sim will be great in all attributes. Your Physical Fitness, Your Cooking Ability, Your Charisma, and Your Artistitic Ability. Thus in turn you will pick a great paying career path for your sim. One that you will enjoy pursuing yourself someday. Then watch as you will do the things necessary to advance your sim to make it better. As you are doing this, you will realize that you are there as a human being, sitting on your ass, and improving the life of a simulated you. Do you see the irony in this matter. You should be DOING the very same things that you are making your sim do, to improve your own life! I don't think that I could ever play another video game like that again now. I just get disgusted with myself and think about what it is that I should really be doing at that moment instead of sitting there wasting my life. You only have one shot at this life. What are you going to do with it? That is something that you really have to start asking yourself. What am I going to do with this life? Now is the time to really get on it. The sooner that you figure that out for yourself, the sooner you will be following your dreams and pursuit of what you want to become as an individual, and eventually, what you want to advance to with a spouse and then as a family.
The key is to imagine what you should be doing to better your own life, and then to just simply do that. It's slightly harder to actually do some of those things for yourself then just commanding your sim to do it, but the irony with that too, is that sometimes, when you need to build your body and go to workout, you sim doesn't want to do it either. You do need to mix up fun in there somewhere, but always take the time to be productive at some point during the day. I've realized that the more productive you are, the faster time seems to slip by. Just make sure that you stop every once in a while to enjoy the scenery around you and where you are in your real life.
I hope you enjoyed this. If you did, I have also written a book about relationships called, 'So You Wanna Get Married, Huh?' It's a book of universal truths about if your getting married to the right person for the right reasons. To check it out, go to and see what it's all about.